Employers expect that in your application for a position with them, you demonstrate that your writing is grammatically correct and clear, and that you provide specific evidence that you meet their requirements.   As a Career Consultant in the Careers and Employment team, I see frequent examples of poor grammar in CVs, cover letters, application […]

The second in our series – Top career questions asked by students is that big question common to many, if not most, students and grads (and people with experience, believe me) – What if I don’t have experience that is relevant to the job? What if I am just starting out, or changing careers – will […]

I’ve had a few interesting experiences recently where I’ve found myself comparing what happens to students now vs. what I experienced at the same age. I’m the grand ‘old’ age of 37 which isn’t ancient but I’m obviously a few years on compared to the 18 – 21 year olds I commonly sit down with […]

This is a frequently asked question that confuses almost everyone – candidates and selectors alike – so I thought I’d try to provide a path through the fog of conflicting information and advice. There is no hard and fast ‘rule’ and CV lengths will always vary. However a CV longer than 4 pages needs justification. […]

It’s a pretty plain title for a blog and maybe in this day and age with the all the media by which you can market yourself, the paper CV may soon be a thing of the past.  As this post in Recruitment Grapvine suggests, the CV is evolving: The face of recruitment has evolved to keep up […]

Trimester One hasn’t even started yet and employers are already advertising internships for next summer and graduate positions for next year. I had a look on Victoria CareerHub and as of today there are 7 different employers advertising internships and 8 advertising graduate positions. This will only increase! For those of you who will be applying […]

A well written CV is a pleasure to read and creating a pleasurable and informative reading experience for your audience should always be your primary objective. In his article at Vault.com, How to Write a Resume Like Hemingway, Derek Loosvelt suggests that the writing philosophy and work of this influential and celebrated American writer can provide […]

“I should have started the preparation for applications sooner” says Josh, one of many students I have recently seen rushing and stressing at the last minute to get in graduate job, summer intern or scholarship applications. They didn’t realise how much time it would take. Luckily at least they were using their University careers service […]

You’ve probably read articles and blogs proclaiming the demise of the CV, but as Mark Twain said in response to a similar announcements in relation to himself, “reports of my death are greatly exaggerated!” As a Career Consultant I do what I can to dismiss this persistent rumour, but what’s the story behind this claim? […]